Monday, September 27, 2010

Currently Reading.

I'm about a third of the way through and so far so good. I'm usually pretty wary about the books I read. I like a happy ending, but mostly a good (fast pace) story. I cannot stand books that drag on.

Never Let Me Go is narrated by Kathy as an adult looking back on her childhood and days at Hailsham where she and the other students are cut off from the rest of the world because they serve another purpose and are 'special'. Although often poignant, Kathy's matter-of-fact narration blunts the sharper emotional effects you might expect in a novel that deals with illness, self-sacrifice, and the severe restriction of personal freedoms. The book has currently been made into a movie with Carey Mulligan playing Kathy. (Keira Knightley as her friend Ruth and Andrew Garfield as their friend Tommy). It won't be released for a couple of months so you still have time to read the book before it comes out. The copy I'm reading is 288 pgs.

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