My sister and brother-in-law have a bet going on the outcome of the Breeders' Cup that will determine the middle name of their first born daughter. If Candeth wins, Clara's middle name will be Marie. If Zenyatta wins todays race then Bob will win and the baby's name will be Clara Zenyatta. Today also happens to be Bobs birthday! So we will be heading over there in an hour for drinks, betting and the fate of our newest family members name.
When they first told us about the bet we were all a little nervous for baby Clara. But, eventually we all started referring to her as Baby Z so I think it would be kind of cool if Zenyatta win's today, not only because she has become a current legend in horse racing, but also because Baby Z will have a cool story behind her name. (For my sister's sake I'll pray they have another daughter so it's kind of like they both win!)
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