Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby Time!

So my sister and her husband Bob had their baby shower last Saturday. I was put in charge of invitations, baking (red velvet) cupcakes and all decorations. We used all of our treasured Golden Books, some of my younger sister's stuffed animal collection (she wouldn't leave the house without at least one in her hand when she was little) and lot's of odds and ends that I've collected throughout the years. I was a little stressed about the whole thing and I will give my sweet mother all credit for letting me know it wasn't the end of the world if something wasn't as I had envisioned. (My first batch of cupcakes did not turn out so well if you know what I mean.) Thankfully it pulled together nicely and turned out really beautiful. I was going for bright fun colors and a sense of home that would bring conversation to people.

The top two pictures are of Candeth and Bob, they are holding the amazing gifts (still unopened) that my younger sister and I got for them. Below that are my sister Daycia, Candeth, myself and my Mom all dressed up and ready to celebrate the newest female addition to our family. Then there are some of our family members all seated around the amazing table decorations enjoying their brunch. We took pictures of all of the guests there so baby Clara can see everyone who came to celebrate. The last few pictures are of everything decorated before the guests arrived. It was a really wonderful event and it's always lovely to see friends and family coming together. :)

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